Started working as office administrator in 2014. In 2017 she answered the call to become director of Christian Education and Outreach.

I have been the Moderator for High Street Church since February of 2019. The Moderator’s role is to facilitate and coordinate the activities of Church Council which in turn oversees all aspects of church life and worship. High Street has been a church home for my family for many years and now serving as Moderator, provides me with the opportunity to give back and participate even more fully in this church family of faith and fellowship.

I have been at High Street all my life. I took over as Clerk in 2014. The Clerk keeps the minutes of the governing body the Church Council and often is the signature on formal documents. I guess my “what motivates me” would be “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.”

Joined the High Street Food Pantry and in short order stepped into the position of the Pantry Coordinator leading an all-volunteer group of people ranging in age from high school to senior retired.